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F_REQUEST - Facttable for referrals

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Request_ID Primary key for the table
Cosmic_ID COSMICs unique ID for the referral
ReqUnit_ID Referring unit
ReqPhys_ID Referring careprovider
ReqRecUnit_ID Recieving unit
ReqRecPhys_ID Recieving careprovider
ReqDirUnit_ID Redirected to unit
ReqDirPhys_ID Redirected to careprovider
RecUnit_ID Answer recieving unit
RecPhys_ID Answer recieving careprovider
Commitment_ID Reference to the Commitment
internalStatus Internal status number for the referrel
ReqTime Referring date
ArrivalDate Recieved date
Creator User_ID for who created/changed the referral
Created_Date Timestamp for when the referral created/changed
Sub_Speciality Systemtypeing of referral Internal, External, Inbound
Speciality RoS-speciality (always set to 10 in this table)
SOC_ID Reference to the patient
JournalRef Reference to the medical note created in teh referral
HCM_Status ID for the status of the referral
HCM_Status_Name Name for the status of the referral
SubType ID for type of the referral
Reg_Date Registrationdate
Treat_Date Treatment date
Agreement_ID Agreement_ID for the object in F_REQUEST
TakePointDate TakePointDate for the object in F_REQUEST
Status Status of the referral
priority Given priority. Taken from the commitment
active Indiates with true/false if referral is active
Offer Offer associated with the referral
HCMRequest Indicates wuth 1/0 if referral is a systemreferral
ComStartDate Commitment start. Taken from the commitment
ComStopDate Commitment end. Taken from the commitment
ComUnit_ID Responsible unit on the commitment. Taken from the commitment
ComClassification Commitment classification. Taken from the commitment
M1_ArrivalDate M1_ArrivalDate for the object in F_REQUEST
M2_DecisionCommitmentDate M2_DecisionCommitmentDate for the object in F_REQUEST
M3_FirstContactDate M3_FirstContactDate for the object in F_REQUEST
M3_Contact_ID M3_Contact_ID for the object in F_REQUEST
M3_PerformingUnit M3_PerformingUnit for the object in F_REQUEST
M3_ContactType M3_ContactType for the object in F_REQUEST
M3_VisitType M3_VisitType for the object in F_REQUEST
M5_DecisionTreatmentDate Date for decision of treatment. Registered in planningform
M5_Action_ID Action to which the tratment decision is connected
M5_PerformingUnit M5_PerformingUnit for the object in F_REQUEST
M5_VisitType M5_VisitType for the object in F_REQUEST
M6_StartActivityDate M6_StartActivityDate for the object in F_REQUEST
M6_Contact_ID M6_Contact_ID for the object in F_REQUEST
M6_PerformingUnit M6_PerformingUnit for the object in F_REQUEST
M6_ContactType M6_ContactType for the object in F_REQUEST
M8_CloseDate M8_CloseDate for the object in F_REQUEST
Sysdate Date when record got loaded/updated in CI
ReferralType Name for type of
PaymentRequired Indicates with true/false if Payment is required
PaymentFrom Payments validity from
PaymentTo Payments validity to
PaymentPayingUnit Referece to paying unit
PaymentVisits Value for number of allowed visits during paymentperiod
PaymentInPatientVisits Indicates with true/false if allwed for InPatientCare
PaymentOutPatientVisits Indicates with true/false if allwed for OutPatientCare
PaymentComment Comment on payment
DeregisterComment Deregister comment
DeregisterReason Deregister reason
DeregisterDate Deregister date