Søgning » Cambio Cosmic » D_STAFF


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D_STAFF - Dimensiontable with staffinformation

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Navn Indhold
Staff_ID Primary key for the table
Cosmic_ID COSMICs unique ID for the staff
Cosmic_Key COSMICs unique version ID for the staf
Occupation Profession in plain
Occupation_ID Reference to the profession
Occupation_Sub Subrole in plain
Occupation_Sub_ID Reference to the subrole
Name Staffname
Title Given titel for staff
User_ID Staff UserID
Active_User Indicates with tru/false if staff is active as user
Status ID for the status for staff
Creator User ID for who created/changed the staff
Created Datetime for when the staff was created/changed
Label Label
AvailabilityPeriod AvailabilityPeriod
Reason Reason
Pki Pki
Sysdate Date when record got loaded/updated in CI