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FC_OMINVESTIGATION - Facttable with orders-content

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PrimaryKey Primary key for the table
Cosmic_ID COSMICs unique ID for the
LabSample_ID LabSample_ID for the object in FC_OMINVESTIGATION
Request_ID Reference to the request
InvLocation Description of what side sample is taken
InProfile Indicates with true/false if analysis comes from profile
Profile_ID ID for profile
Requested Indicates with true/false if analysis is requested
Catalog_ID Cosmics ID for analysis/examination in analysiscatalogue
CatalogLab_ID Laboratory ID for analysis/examination in analysiscatalogue
System_ID Cosmics ID for system
SystemLab_ID LaboratoryID for system
SystemName System name
SystemDescription System description
Method_ID Cosmics ID for analysismethod
MethodLab_ID Lab ID for analysismethod
MethodName Method name
MethodDescription Method description
Analysis_ID Cosmics ID for analysis
AnalysisLab_ID Lab ID for analysis
AnalysisName Analysisname
AnalysisDescription Description of Analysis
Container_ID Cosmis ID for container
ContainerLab_ID Lab ID for container
ContainerName Name of container
ContainerLabel Container labledescription
ContainerControlCode ID for container controlcode
ContainerControlText Text for container controlecode
ContainerCount Nr of containers
Unit Measurementunit for analysis
Range Range for analysis
MedInfoIds MedInfoIds for the object in FC_OMINVESTIGATION
Active Indicates with true/false if investigation is active
Orderable Indicates with true/false if investigation is orderable
Domains Domains for the object in FC_OMINVESTIGATION
Sysdate Date when record got loaded/updated in CI