PrimaryKey |
Primary key for the table |
Cosmic_ID |
COSMICs unique ID for the resultreport |
ReportIdentity |
Identity for the resultreport used for communicationbetween Cosmic an laboratorysystem |
Reference to the patient |
Speciality |
ID for the lab.speciality |
Speciality_Name |
Name of lab.speciality |
ReportType |
Name for type of result report |
Status |
ID for the status of the result report |
Status_Name |
Name for the status of result report |
SendDate |
Timestamp for when result report was sent |
ReqUnit_ID |
Reference to requesting unit |
ReqRecUnit_ID |
Reference to recieving unit |
RepRecUnit_ID |
Reference to answerrecieving unit |
ReqCareGiver_ID |
Reference to CareGiver |
RepRecCareGiver_ID |
Reference to answerrecieving caregiver |
DictatedBy |
Dictated by |
ViewedBy |
Viewed by |
ServicePriority |
Given priority |
Pathological |
Indicates with true/false if any result within the result report is pathological |
Signer |
UserID for signer |
Signed |
Timestamp for signing |
Sysdate |
Date when record got loaded/updated in CI |