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FC_CODES - Fact childtable with clinical codes from CA, Caredoc and OpAn-module

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Code_ID Primary key for the table
ContactID Reference to the Contact
AdmCode_ID COSMICs unique ID for codes registered in Careadministration
JournalRec_ID COSMICs unique ID for the codeset registered in caredocumentation
Active Active for the object in FC_CODES
JournalNote_ID Reference to the Medical note
CodeTerminology Code and terminology
Code Code
CodeType Code type
Description Given description for the code
Type Indicates the codes origin from COSMIC
ContactMainCode Indicates with yes/no if code is set as maincode
f_Order f_Order for the object in FC_CODES
ActionDate Given date for action-codes
Sysdate Date when record got loaded/updated in CI
Term_ID Reference to Term