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DC_AGR_PRICE - Dimension child table for agreementprices

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Agr_Price_ID Primary key for the table
Cosmic_Key COSMICs unique ID for the agreementprice
Agreement_Key COSMICs unique version ID for the agreement
Excluded Inicates with Ja/Nej if the oprice is excluded from the agreement
ItemType Price itemtype
Offer_ID Reference to the offer which the agreementprice belongs to
Goods_ID Reference to the goods
Referring_Unit Referring unit
Price Price for goods/offer
PatientCost Salesprice for the patient to pay
TimeBank Indicates with Ja/Nej if agreementprice uses timebank
BillingType Billingtype (0= No prebilling, 1= Timebank, 2= Annual fee).
LocalTimeBankPrepaid Amout before time bank
LocalTimeBankIn spent by time bank
LocalTimeBankFee Fee to time bank
Origin If origin = 0 the this is an agreement price linked to a base price list, if -1 then a new version of the agreement price has been created, else it is a agreement price in agreement that refers to agreement price in base price list.
ValidBegin agreement price valid from
ValidEnd agreement price valid to
InternalPrice Internal price
Deleted Has price been removed from agreement or not
Sysdate Date when record got loaded/updated in CI