Søgning » Cambio Cosmic » FC_CONTACT_PRODUCTCLASS


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FC_CONTACT_PRODUCTCLASS - Fact child table for registered products

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Navn Indhold
ProductClass_ID Primary key for the table
Contact_ID Reference to the Contact
Type Name for type of
Code Code for product
f_Desc f_Desc for the object in FC_CONTACT_PRODUCTCLASS
f_Date f_Date for the object in FC_CONTACT_PRODUCTCLASS
MDC MDC-code (only for DRG)
Discharge Dischargetype (only for DRG)
Quantity Quantity (only for OrderProducts)
Amount Amount (only for OrderProducts)
Measurement_Unit_ID Reference to measurementunit (only for OrderProducts)
Productclass_Key Reference to the product
Sysdate Date when record got loaded/updated in CI
DRG_Weight DRG_Weight for the object in FC_CONTACT_PRODUCTCLASS
DRG_Outlierlimit DRG_Outlierlimit for the object in FC_CONTACT_PRODUCTCLASS
DRG_Cost_Outlierlimit DRG_Cost_Outlierlimit for the object in FC_CONTACT_PRODUCTCLASS
DRG_Value DRG_Value for the object in FC_CONTACT_PRODUCTCLASS
AdditionalCode1 AdditionalCode1 for the object in FC_CONTACT_PRODUCTCLASS
AdditionalCode2 AdditionalCode2 for the object in FC_CONTACT_PRODUCTCLASS