Søgning » Cambio Cosmic » D_PRODUCTCLASS


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D_PRODUCTCLASS - Dimensiontable for products

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Navn Indhold
PrimaryKey Primary key for the table
Cosmic_ID COSMICs unique ID for the product
Cosmic_Key COSMICs unique version ID for the
Code ProductCode
Name ProductName
Description Given description for the product
MeasurementUnit The measurementunit for the product when applicable,eg. Minute, Piece
Account Account
Active Indicates with true/false if product is active
AgeFrom From in the ageinterval where the product is applicable
AgeTo To in the ageinterval where the product is applicable
DefaultPayer DefaultPayer for the object in D_PRODUCTCLASS
Classification Classification for the product
Type ID for type of product
Type_Name Name for type of product
SubType ID for type of product
SubType_Name Name for subtype of product
Valid_From From-date in the products validity
Valid_To To-date in the products validity
Latest Indicates with true/false if its the current activeversion of the product
Creator User ID for who created the productversion
Created_Datetime Timestamp for when productversion was created
Sysdate Date when record got loaded/updated in CI