JournalRecord_ID |
Primary key for the table |
Parent |
Reference to hierarcichal parent journalrecord |
Cosmic_ID |
COSMICs unique ID for the journalrecord |
Keyword_ID |
Reference to the keyword |
Hier_Keyword |
String with the hierarcichal structure |
JournalNote_ID |
Reference to the Medical note |
Form_ID |
Reference to the journalform |
Value_Description |
Description for journal value |
Active |
Indicates with true/false if journalrecord is active |
Value_Type |
Name for valuetype |
Integer_Value |
Reference to fixed value |
String_Value |
Value for journalrecord |
Binary_Value |
Binary_Value for the object in FC_JOURNALRECORD |
Datetime_Value |
Datetime_Value for the object in FC_JOURNALRECORD |
Identifiers_Type |
ID for type of |
Min_Value |
Min_Value for the object in FC_JOURNALRECORD |
Max_Value |
Max_Value for the object in FC_JOURNALRECORD |
UnitOfMeasurement |
UnitOfMeasurement for the object in FC_JOURNALRECORD |
Sysdate |
Date when record got loaded/updated in CI |
FILE_REF for the object in FC_JOURNALRECORD |