PrimaryKey |
Primary key for the table |
Cosmic_ID |
COSMICs unique ID for the productperiod |
Cosmic_Key |
COSMICs unique version ID for the productperiod |
Parent |
Parent for the object in DC_PRODUCTCLASS_PERIOD |
Productclass_ID |
Reference to the product |
f_Value |
f_Value for the object in DC_PRODUCTCLASS_PERIOD |
Begin_Datetime |
From in productperiodinterval |
End_Datetime |
To in productperiodinterval |
Begin_Interval |
Min-value in the productperiod if interval is not of datetype |
End_Interval |
Max-value in the productperiod if interval is not of datetype |
Account |
Account |
Agreement |
Agreement to which the product belongs |
Active |
indicates with true/false if product logically has been deleted in Cosmic. false=deleted. |
DRG_Weight |
DRG-weight |
DRG_Outlierlimit |
DRG outerlimit |
DRG_Cost_Outlierlimit |
DRG cost outerlimit |
Activity |
Activity for the object in DC_PRODUCTCLASS_PERIOD |
Creator |
User_ID for who created/changed the productperiod |
Created_Datetime |
Timestamp for when productperiod was created/changed |
Sysdate |
Date when record got loaded/updated in CI |